Financial Assistance
We hope to make AWCBR 2023 accessible to everyone by providing financial support where possible. This year we are offering two assistance schemes:
A student/ECR travel grant and Childcare assistance
Childcare Support
If you would like to be considered for childcare support during the conference, please fill out the following form.
Please note childcare support is dependent on the available funds for the given year.
Student/ECR Travel Grant Applications
To be eligible for a travel grant, a student must be a postgraduate student or ECR (<6 years post PhD) attending or working a New Zealand University and be the presenting author of a paper at AWCBR. Student grants are made from funds provided by the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand. AWCBR reserves the right to administer these funds entirely as its Executive Committee shall see fit. This form neither implies that any funds will be available for student/ECR grants in this or any subsequent year nor that all available funds in any year will necessarily be distributed. Payments will be made after the conference.
To be considered for a student/ECR travel grant, please complete the form below and send a letter of support from your supervisor to
Applications for the Student Travel Grant close on 21 July 2023.